The School of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science of Jiangnan University was established in March 2020. Its history can be traced back to the computer application major established in 1994. The college adheres to Jiangnan University’s educational philosophy of”highlighting the characteristics of light industry and serving the national economy and people’s livelihood; innovating training models and creating industry backbones."Always adhere to the fundamental task of cultivating people with moral integrity, implement the three educational concepts of talent-oriented, output-oriented, and continuous improvement, and cultivate innovative talents with an international perspective who can solve complex engineering problems.The college makes contribute the wisdom and strength of Jiangnan people inthe core science and key technologies of artificial intelligence and computers.

The college has a complete talent training system for bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. It has a doctoral degree authorization point for the first-level discipline of "Software Engineering", a doctoral degree authorization point for the second-level discipline "Light Industry Information Technology", two first-level master's degree authorization points for "Computer Science and Technology" and "Software Engineering", and "ElectronicsInformation" professional master's degree authorization point (three directions: software engineering, computer technologyandartificial intelligence). There are computer science and technology (the first batch of national-level“first-class undergraduate major”construction sites, national-level characteristic major construction sites, Jiangsu Province brand majors, Jiangsu Province industry-education integration majors, and national-level major comprehensive reform pilots), digital media technology (the first batch of national-level“first-class undergraduate major”construction sites, Jiangsu Province brand majors) and artificial intelligence (the first batch of Jiangsu Province“first-class undergraduate major”construction sites, Jiangsu Province specialty majors).

The college has a profound professional background, obvious disciplinary advantages and characteristics, and a complete teaching and scientific research platform.It has6 provincial and ministerial-level teaching and research platforms includingthe Health Intelligent Technology Engineering Research Centerof Education Ministry, the Intelligent Base School-Enterprise Collaborative EducationPlatform of EducationMinistry, the Information and Control National Teaching Demonstration Center.Jiangsu Provincial Pattern Recognition and Computational Intelligence Engineering Laboratory, Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Media Design and Software Technology, Jiangsu Provincial Artificial Intelligence International Cooperation Joint Laboratory, and Josef Kittler Artificial Intelligence Research Institute. .

Currently, there are more than 2,400 students in the college, including more than 1,600 undergraduates, more than 800 master's students, more than 50 doctoral students, and more than 20 international students.

The college currently has more than 110 faculty members and more than 80 full-time teachers, including 21 professors, 16 doctoral supervisors, 1 academician of the Royal Academy of Engineering, 4 members of the Ministry of Education's New Century Talent Plan, IAPR Fellow, AAIA Fellow 2 people, 1 first-level training target, 8 second- and third-level training targets of Jiangsu Province’s“333 High-level Talent Training Project”, 2 Jiangsu Province Outstanding Youth and Outstanding Youth Fund, 1 Jiangsu Province University Excellent Science and Technology Innovation Team, There is one outstanding teaching team of the Qinglan Project in colleges and universitiesinJiangsu Province, and 16 other provincial talent projects such as the“Double Entrepreneurship Plan”.

In the past three years, the college has focused on laying a solid foundation for scientific research, fully relying on scientific research platforms and scientific research teams, deeply integrating industry and education, and comprehensively improving scientific research innovation capabilities and industrial service levels. Undertakes international cooperation projects of the National Key R&D Program, International Cooperation Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, Joint Key Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, National Key R&D Program Subjects, General Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, Youth Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, and Natural Sciences of Jiangsu Province.It has more than 30 national, provincial and ministerial-level projects such as foundations, won the second prize of Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Award, the China Business Federation Science and Technology Special Prize and many other scientific research awards, and applied for and authorized more than 400 invention patents, utility model patents, and software copyrights.It haspublished more than 100 high-level academic papers in top journals and conferences such as IEEE TPAMI, TFS, TNNLS, TIP, TKDE, TEVC, TCYB, Journal of Software, Journal of Communications, CVPR, ICCV, AAAI, etc.

The school attaches great importance to international academic exchanges and cooperation, and continues to cooperate with Professor Josef Kittler, academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Surrey, United Kingdom, Professor Raymond F. Muzic, Jr., School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, United States, and Professor Chung Fuli, Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.Ithasestablishedlong-term international research cooperation relationshipswithother internationally renowned expert teams,and hassigned undergraduate exchange and mutual visit agreements with École Supérieure des Informiques et des Beaux-Arts and other institutions in France. More than 10 undergraduate students are exchanged every year. Professor Josef Kittler has won the Jiangsu Province International Science and Technology Cooperation Award and the Chinese Government Friendship Award. The college undertook the China Scholarship Council’s international cooperative training project for innovative talents and received rolling support.

The college cooperates closely with Wuxi City. It has established the Wuxi Advanced Computing and Emerging Software Industry Institute, assisted Wuxi City in applying for the IEEE Smart City Pilot Program (the only one in Asia), and cooperated with the National Supercomputing Wuxi Center, Wuxi Advanced Technology Research Institute, and Huayun Data , Shuguangyun, CSSC Olanto and other enterprises and institutions have established off-campus practice bases. The college has hosted the China College Student Service Outsourcing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Type A Competition) for 14 consecutive years.

The college has established a complete talent training mechanism and achieved remarkable results. It has won two second prizes for teaching achievements in Jiangsu Province in terms of curriculum teaching and talent training model innovation.Introduction to Artificial Intelligence has been selected as a national quality course, and Artificial Intelligence has been rated as a national bilingual demonstration Courses.Undergraduate students have achieved good results in many domestic and foreign competitions, reflecting high comprehensive quality and scientific and technological innovation capabilities, such as the gold medal in the China“Internet +”College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, the first prize in the China College Student Service Outsourcing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, and the China First Prize in the College Student Computer Design Competition, Bronze Prize in the "Challenge Cup" Chinese College Student Entrepreneurship Plan, Gold Medal in the National College Student Network Security Elite Competition, Silver Medal in the ACM International College Student Programming Competition, First Prize in the National College Student Digital Media Technology Works and Creativity Competition, the United States The first prize in the Mathematical Modeling Competition, the champion of the International Visual Object Tracking Competition (VOT2020), and the champion of the ICCV2021 International Competition, etc. Graduates are widely employed in well-known enterprises such as Microsoft, NetEase, China Mobile, China Telecom, Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, Byte, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation 702 Research Institute, Wuxi Advanced Technology Research Institute and other related institutions and scientific research unit.

The college respects academics and advocates innovation, and is working hard to build a distinctive research college with Jiangnan style. We welcome more talents to join us, work together, raise the sail of youth with persistence and hard work, and create the top wave of the intelligent era. The college will continue to carry forward the fine tradition of pragmatism and progress, and work together to cultivate young talents in the new era with "Patriotic sentiment,Jiangnan style, andIntelligent characteristic"!
