行为运筹学与行为运营管理(BOR/BOM)将人的行为研究与传统的运筹学/运营管理(OR/OM)相结合,针对由人参与并制定决策的运营系统开展研究,BOR/BOM 是行为科学与管理科学的交叉领域,由于研究方法能够更有效地揭示实践情境中运营决策的行为、决策规律,近年来深受国内外学者广泛关注。
为了进一步促进我国运营管理学者间的学术交流,提升我国行为运筹学与行为运营管理研究和应用水平,2023年第十五届行为运筹学与行为运营管理国际研讨会暨第九次会员代表大会,将于2023年12月15 -17日(周五、周六、周日)在江南大学(无锡希尔顿逸林酒店)举行,大会由中国运筹学会行为运筹与管理分会和江南大学商学院联合主办。
总顾问&荣誉主席:Shu-Cherng Fang(方述诚,North Carolina State University)
共同主席(Co-Chairs):Haitao Cui (崔海涛,University of Minnesota),钱吴永(江南大学)
三、特邀主题报告嘉宾 (Keynote Speakers)

Rachel Croson,Professor of Economics,University of Minnesota
Title: The Behavioral Revolution
Abstract: This presentation will discuss the behavioral revolution in psychology, economics finance, strategy and operations management. Examples from multiple fields will help identify types of deviations from the model of pure rationality, which will help to organize the growing field of behavioral operations management and suggest new research ideas for emerging and established scholars to pursue.
Brief profile: Rachel T.A. Croson came to the University of Minnesota from Michigan State University (MSU), where she served as Dean of the College of Social Science and MSU Foundation Professor of Economics. Prior to her tenure at MSU, she served as dean of the School of Business at the University of Texas at Arlington, division director for Social and Economic Sciences at the National Science Foundation, professor and director of the Negotiations Center at the University of Texas at Dallas, and associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. She earned her bachelor's degree in economics and the philosophy of science from the University of Pennsylvania and her master's and Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University. Croson’s research focuses on experimental and behavioral economics; studying how people make economic decisions, what mistakes they make, and how to improve their performance. This research draws from and contributes to multiple disciplines. Substantively her research has focused on the voluntary provision of public goods (especially public radio), bargaining and negotiation, behavioral operations management, and gender and cultural differences. She was pivotal in creating and leading workshops to help female junior faculty in Economics advance through the profession, and won the Carolyn Shaw Bell Award from the American Economic Association (2017). She is currently a AAAS Fellow (class of 2021) and appointed as a McKnight Endowed Professor in the Department of Economics.

David Croson,Associate Professor of Economics,University of Minnesota
Title: Pursuing Interesting and Entrepreneurial Research Ideas
Abstract: To make a significant impact, academic research must not only be technically sound (for which we are well-equipped) and publishable (the challenge) – but (even more difficult) it must be interesting. Achieving two out of three of these goals is not enough: many technically sound publications (even published in top journals) sink without a trace, generating zero citations and very little impact on the field. This presentation addresses three major questions in pursuit of increasing interestingness:
1.How can interesting research topics be recognized (and, if necessary, generated) by means other than incremental development of previously-published frameworks?
2. Why will such research efforts likely have greater impact, both on the individual faculty member’s career and the field, than traditional extensions?
3.What are some specific opportunities for entrepreneurial research in operations and operations-adjacent areas today – and how can future opportunities be identified and pursued while they are still truly “entrepreneurial” rather than waiting for the disciplinary field to accept them as mainstream?
Brief profile: David (DC) Croson is currently Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management, teaching and conducting research on entrepreneurship, innovation, and strategic management. He was previously a tenured Associate Professor of Economics at Michigan State University and a Clinical Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship at the SMU Cox School of Business in Dallas, TX, as well as a Program Director for Science & Innovation Policy at the US National Science Foundation and a founding Program Director for the NSF Innovations Corps (“I-CORPS”) which supports the development and commercialization of academically-generated innovations. Prof. Croson holds a Ph.D. in Business Economics from Harvard University and two degrees from the Pennsylvania State University.

Mirko Kremer, Professor of Supply Chain Management, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Title: Persuasive Communication in Operations and How to Test Queueing Theory
Abstract: We study the effectiveness of information design as a managerial lever to mitigate the overuse of critical resources in congestion-prone social service systems. To study whether effective communication can arise in equilibrium, we design controlled laboratory experiments to test the predictions of a queueing-game theoretic model that endogenizes the implementation of information-sharing policies. Our main result is that communication increases social welfare even when the service provider lacks the ability to formally commit to their information policy (as usually is the case in practical settings), i.e., under conditions where standard theory predicts that communication fails because it lacks credibility and thus fails to affect customer behavior.
Using design elements and results from this study, as well as some previous work, I will share some thoughts on how (not) to empirically test queuing theory.
Brief profile: Mirko Kremer is Professor of Supply Chain Management at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management since July 2014. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Mannheim (2008). Before joining Frankfurt School, he was a faculty member at the Pennsylvania State University.His research is on the impact of managerial and customer (mis)behavior on the performance and design of Supply Chains, with an emphasis on micro-behavioral foundations of inventory management, sales forecasting, and service systems. His research was published in Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Operations Research and Production and Operations Management. He serves as a department editor for the Production and Operations Management Journal and associate editor for Operations Research.At Frankfurt School, Mirko teaches Operations Management, Supply Chain Strategy, and Quantitative Decision Modelling. He has previously taught similar courses at INSEAD, London Business School, and the Kellogg School of Management.

Jason Shachat, Professor of Experimental Economics, Durham University
Title: Suggested versus Extended Gifts: How Alternative Market Institutions Mitigate Moral Hazard
Abstract: Gift exchange can partially mitigate supply-side moral hazard, even in anonymous market interactions. In a market where quality is not fully contractable, the amount that a price exceeds the market-clearing price for the lowest quality is a gift from the buyer. We show that the gift formation process, inextricably linked with a market institution's price formation process, greatly influences the size and effectiveness of the gift. When the market institution dictates prices are formed by bids posted by buyers, the gift is extended to the seller. When the market institution dictates prices are formed by offers posted by sellers, the gift is suggested by the seller. We conjecture that extended gifts do not instill as strong a concern for the material welfare of the other party as suggested gifts. We show in experiments that this effect is quite profound in both monopsonist and thick markets. Posted-offer markets generate higher prices, and in turn larger gifts, and higher levels of product quality than posted-bid ones. In addition, the posted-offer institution generates a higher quality given the price, rather than simply generating higher prices. Both sides of the market obtain higher payoffs under posted-offer institutions.
Brief profile: Jason is a Professor of Experimental Economics at Durham University. Prior to joining Durham in 2014, Jason held appointments at University of California – San Diego, National University of Singapore, Xiamen University, and was a research scientist at the IBM TJ Watson Research Lab. He received his B.S. in Mathematical Economics from Tulane University and his PhD. in Economics from the University of Arizona. Jason researches in the areas of experimental economics, behavioural game theory, behavioural operations management, asset markets, and auctions. International academic journals such as Management Science, Marketing Science, Journal of Economic Theory, Games and Economic Behavior, and others have published his papers.
四 、会议学术委员会和组织委员会成员(见附录)

1. 在线注册(包括提交摘要(如参评优秀论文,则需要提交全文))等信息,请扫描下方二维码,点击填写或查看相关信息。

2. 会议报到时间:2023年12月15日
3. 大会日期:2023年12月16−17日

1. 酒店名称:无锡希尔顿逸林酒店,地址:无锡市新吴区高浪路19号
2. 酒店名称:无锡千禧大酒店,地址:江苏省无锡市新吴区长江路11号
3. 房间价格:380元单早,460元双早
1. 会议联系邮箱:bom2023@jiangnan.edu.cn
2. 会议微信群:2023BOM 无锡1群(邀请进群,通过电话13511656680搜索微信号添加)
3. 会务秘书:韩晓东,13511656680 蔡英成,15298420132
徐 昉,13951588385 徐 磊,15861662688
4. 联系人:
5. 联系地址:江苏省无锡市蠡湖大道1800号江南大学商学院
学术委员会 (Academic Committee) (排名不分先后):
姓 名 |
单 位 |
方述诚 |
北卡州立大学 |
陈滨桐 |
特拉华大学 |
贾建民 |
香港中文大学 |
孙绍荣 |
上海理工大学 |
谢金星 |
清华大学 |
赵道致 |
天津大学 |
赵先德 |
中欧商学院 |
赵晓波 |
清华大学 |
崔海涛 |
明尼苏达大学 |
胡祥培 |
大连理工大学 |
黄 敏 |
东北大学 |
赵林度 |
东南大学 |
周永务 |
华南理工大学 |
姜 海 |
清华大学 |
冯天俊 |
复旦大学 |
何龙飞 |
天津大学 |
白春光 |
电子科技大学 |
毕文杰 |
中南大学 |
曹二保 |
湖南大学 |
陈东彦 |
哈尔滨理工大学 |
段永瑞 |
同济大学 |
樊治平 |
东北大学 |
傅 科 |
中山大学 |
韩小花 |
广东外语外贸大学 |
何 波 |
重庆大学 |
蒋忠中 |
东北大学 |
李 波 |
天津大学 |
李建斌 |
华中科技大学 |
李 彤 |
大连理工大学 |
李 响 |
南开大学 |
李 旭 |
复旦大学 |
林志炳 |
福州大学 |
刘伟华 |
天津大学 |
刘新旺 |
东南大学 |
马利军 |
深圳大学 |
缪朝炜 |
厦门大学 |
浦徐进 |
江南大学 |
石岿然 |
南京审计大学 |
宋 洁 |
北京大学 |
孙 微 |
燕山大学 |
孙玉玲 |
南京工业大学 |
唐中君 |
北京工业大学 |
王海燕 |
东南大学 |
王洪峰 |
东北大学 |
王金亭 |
中央财经大学 |
王军强 |
西北工业大学 |
王明征 |
浙江大学 |
王旭坪 |
大连理工大学 |
肖条军 |
南京大学 |
许民利 |
中南大学 |
杨 慧 |
南京理工大学 |
杨石磊 |
西南财经大学 |
叶春明 |
上海理工大学 |
禹海波 |
北京工业大学 |
张汉鹏 |
西南财经大学 |
张继红 |
北京外国语大学 |
张建雄 |
天津大学 |
张静文 |
西北工业大学 |
张玉林 |
东南大学 |
周文慧 |
华南理工大学 |
朱万山 |
中国人民大学 |
组织委员会 (Organizing Committee) (排名不分先后):
主 席(Chairs) |
单 位 |
浦徐进 |
江南大学 |
赵晓波 |
清华大学 |
共同主席(Co-Chairs) |
单 位 |
崔海涛 |
明尼苏达大学 |
钱吴永 |
江南大学 |
成 员(Members) |
单 位 |
刘 勇 |
江南大学 |
王群伟 |
南京航空航天大学 |
朱卫未 |
南京邮电大学 |
李志斌 |
扬州大学 |
刘 军 |
无锡学院 |
吴 杰 |
中国科学技术大学 |
姜元春 |
合肥工业大学 |
薛巍立 |
东南大学 |
王要玉 |
苏州大学 |
巩在武 |
南京信息工程大学 |
王世进 |
江苏师范大学 |
金 帅 |
江苏大学 |