

来源:商学院 韩晓东 发布时间: 2024-05-24 点击量:


1. Leading a new era of Sustainability and Innovation in Procurement ManagementAn Unbreakable Bond.

2. Store brand introduction and production mode selection in platform supply chains: A biform game analysis


1. Andrea Appolloni

2.李武(Kevin W. Li)







1.Dr. Andrea Appolloni is a professor of operations management and sustainability at Tor Vergata University in Rome, Italy. At the same University, he completed his Ph.D in Business Administration. His teaching areas focused on Operations, Supply Chain, Procurement Management, and Sustainability courses. He coordinates the European Project Marie Curie Horizon 2020 on Sustainable Public Procurement. He is an expert member in Sustainability at the Global SCP Clearinghouse is a unique one-stop hub dedicated to Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP), and he is part of the10 Year Framework of Programmes on SCP (10YFP on SCP), convened by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). He was visiting scholars at Tianjin University (China), at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville (USA), and ETH Zurich (CH). At the University of Tor Vergata, he is the lead of the specialization on Supply Chain Management at the Master of Science in Business Administration, and he is the coordinator of the ESA_LAB@UNITOV, a research space center supported by the European Space Agency.

2.李武(Kevin W. Li)博士,加拿大温莎大学Odette商学院管理科学教授。主要研究方向包括供应链管理、决策理论与方法以及冲突分析等。研究获得三项加拿大自然科学与工程研究基金会发现基金项目的支持,同时也多次得到国家教育部春晖计划短期项目支持以及日本学术振兴会(JSPS)外籍聘用研究员(Invitational Fellowship)项目的支持于2011年和2015年到东京工业大学进行访问研究。自2001年以来,在国际期刊如European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part A, Information Sciences, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Transportation Research: Part E, Water Resources Research等发表67篇学术论文,李武教授的研究工作得到国内外同行的广泛引用(SCI/SSCI累计引用2567次,h指数30),五篇论文先后列为ESI高被引论文,在相关领域产生了一定影响,现任《Group Decision and Negotiation》及多个国际期刊的Associate Editor或编委。


1. Purchased products with positive sustainability and innovative attributes have a significant impact on the ESG profile across the value chain. Products with attributes such as recyclability with minimal impacts in terms of emissions, with proven health and safety qualities during production, use & disposal and without negative impacts on communities. A new Procurement Technology approach to combine Innovation and sustainability is necessary to drive the new mega trend. The study presentation indicates the importance of certain factors for enabling the procurement of a more innovative and sustainable solution. In particularit illustrates the role of project champions driving change, senior management support, a good working relationship between buyer and supplier and the creation of a space in which trust and ideas generation can be enabled. Data is drawn from primary and secondary sources, observations and in-depth interviews with public and private stakeholders participating in the procurement process in International companies. We will provide also an overview on how Publishing High Quality Paper in Academic Journals in the area of Procurement and Supply Chain Management.

2.This paper considers a platform supply chain consisting of an e-market platform (EP) and a national brand (NB) manufacturer (NM). NM opens an agency selling channel on EP who endogenously determines whether to introduce a store brand (SB) to compete with NM. If EP introduces its SB, it has to select a production mode: in-house production, outsourcing to NM or a third-party manufacturer (TM). To account for both price competition in the sales stage and cooperation in the SB production stage, we propose four biform game models comprising the benchmark case without introducing SB (Model B), EP’s in-house production (Model I), co-production with NM (Model M), and co-production with TM (Model T). Analytical results show that:EP does not always have an incentive to introduce SB. When product substitutability is lower than a threshold, EP benefits from introducing SB.Product substitutability and manufacturing entry cost are two important factors affecting EPs optimal SB production mode. When they are both at the low end, EP prefers to produce SB in house. Once the manufacturing entry cost is higher than a threshold or product substitutability is at the higher end, EP chooses to co-produce SB with TM. EP’s optimal strategy is to cooperate with NM under a higher manufacturing entry cost and the higher end of the lowest product substitutability.EP’s SB introduction tends to benefit NM as well, but their interests are not always aligned. This interest divergence can be mitigated by a proper side payment.
