Research direction:
Connectivism, The principal of "Internet + Education", Online Course Design and Development, Artificial Intelligence in Education.
Personal Introduction (Approximately 500 words):
Wang Zhijun, a professor in the Department of Educational Technology at the School of Humanities, Jiangnan University, and the Deputy Director of the Jiangsu "Internet + Education" Research Center. She is identified as a participant in the Jiangsu 333 High-level Talent Cultivation Project at the third level and is also involved in the Jiangsu Provincial Zijin Cultural Talent Cultivation Project as a "Social Science Outstanding Youth." Additionally, he serves as the Executive Director of the Educational Game Professional Committee of the China Educational Technology Association, a member of the Information Technology Education Professional Committee, a member of the Teaching Professional Committee of the Jiangsu Educational Technology Research Association, and a Young Scholar of Virtue at 18新利体育备用网址
Her primary research focuses on Connectivism learning theory,the basic principles of "Internet + Education,", online course design and development, and artificial intelligence in education. She has published 68 high-level papers in SSCI/CSSCI and other journals, authored one monograph, and contributed to another. She participated in drafting the Ministry of Education's "Guidance on Promoting the Development of 'Internet + Education'" (draft). She also contributed to the compilation of "40 Years of China's Education Reform and Opening Up: Educational Technology Volume" (International Exchange Section).
Her research achievements have earned him the Third Prize of the Ministry of Education's Educational Science Research Achievement Award, as well as one Second Prize and one Third Prize in the provincial philosophical and social science achievements. She has also received one Second Prize in provincial university philosophical and social science achievements. Several of her works have been reprinted in the National People's Congress's materials and fully reprinted in "Abstracts of Academic Articles in Liberal Arts in Higher Education." She has guided students to win the first prize for undergraduate thesis in Jiangsu Province and achieve success in numerous national and provincial-level competitions.
In 2019, she won the first prize in the Jiangsu Higher Education Micro-class Teaching Competition and was awarded the Design Star Award in the National University Blended Teaching Design Competition. She has led one project funded by the National Social Science Foundation, two projects supported by the Ministry of Education in the field of humanities and social sciences, one major project of the Jiangsu Provincial Philosophical and Social Science Fund, and one provincial educational reform (key) project. Additionally, she is involved in multiple other research projects and has offered the course "Online Course Design and Development" on China University MOOC.
Learning Experience:
2004.9-2008.7 Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Major in Educational Technology (Bachelor's Degree)
2008.9-2011.07 Beijing Normal University, Major in Distance Education (Master's Degree), Advisor: Professor Yu Shengquan
2011.9-2014.6 Beijing Normal University, Major in Educational Technology, Distance Education Direction (Ph.D.), Advisor: Professor Chen Li
During the period of 2012.9-2013.11, Supported by China Scholarship Council and pursued studies at Athabasca University in Canada, focusing on Distance Education at the Distance Education Center (co-training for 15 months). My supervisor during this time was Professor Terry Anderson, an internationally renowned expert in distance education who has previously served as the President of the Canadian Association for Distance Education Research.
Research projects conducted in the last five years (Max. 5 items)
1. 2020, collaborative knowledge innovation research in connectivist learning (Project No. BCA200092), funded by the National Social Science Fund as part of the National Education Science "13th Five-Year Plan" for 2020, 200,000 RMB.
2. 2021, "Data-Driven and Outcome-Oriented" the reform of the evaluation model for cultivating first-class talents in educational technology (Project No. 2021JSJG216),funded by Jiangsu Provincial Higher Education Teaching Reform Research Project, 8,000 RMB.
3. 2019, handbook on learning analytics translation (Project No. 19JHQ086), funded by the Philosophy and Social Sciences Research Program of the Ministry of Education. 100,000 RMB
4. 2019, "Internet + Education" basic principles and innovative mechanisms research (Project No. 2019SJZDA074),funded by the Philosophy and Social Sciences Research Program of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions, 100,000 RMB.
5. 2019, a research project on course design and teaching practices based on design thinking in the context of "Internet + Education" (Project No. 2019JSJG082). key project under the Jiangsu Provincial Higher Education Teaching Reform Research Project, 15,000 RMB.
Representative academic papers (Max. 5 papers)
1. Wang, Z., Anderson, T., Chen, L. and Barbera, E. (2017). Interaction pattern analysis in cMOOCs based on the connectivist interaction and engagement framework. British Journal of Educational Technology.48(2):683–699
2. Wang, Z., Chen, L., Anderson, T.(2014). A Framework for Interaction and Cognitive Engagement in Connectivist Learning Contexts. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning,15, 02:121-141. (SSCI) ISSN: 1492-3831
3. Wang, Z., Yu X. (2022), Online Course Design and Development: Elements, Conceptual Models, and Process Models. Open Education Research, 2022, 28(03): 81-92. (Reprinted in the National People's Congress Reproductive Periodicals: "Journal of Adult Education" (2022 Issue 11) Full Text)
4. Wang, Z., Chen L. (2019). Connectivism: Ontology of Internet + Education. China Distance Education, (08): 1-9+26+92. (Reprinted in CSSCI National People's Congress Reproductive Periodicals: "Education" 2019 Issue 12)
5. Wang, Z., Yan Y. (2023), How Does Design Thinking Guide Teaching Innovation? —A Perspective on Project-Based Learning Design. Open Education Research, 29(01): 26-36. (Reprinted in Education Digest Weekly, March 15, 2023, Issue 11)