
WU Xinxin

Jan 13, 2024 Wu Xinxin Clicks:


WU Xinxin


PhD in Language and Linguistics, University of Aberdeen, UK

MA in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China

BA in English Linguistics and Literature, Dezhou University, China

Academic Publications


Wu, X.(2022). Metadiscourse in the classroom: A comparative analysis of native and non-native EAP teachers. Soochow University Press.

Translated Monographs

Hu, Y.,Wu, X., Zhu, Li. (2022).Gem of ethnic folk art: Miao embroidery and brocade. Toronto Education Press. (Classic China International publishing project)

Wu, X.& Li, X. (2014).A Man in the Making: Strategies to Help Your Son Succeed in Life. Beijing: China Machine Press.

Wu, X.(2010).Differentiated Workforce. Beijing: China Renmin University Press.

Book Chapter

Wu, X.(2019). Classroom discourse analysis in English education. In H, Liu (Ed.),Research methods in basic English education(pp. 82-101). Jilin, China: Northeast Normal University Press.

Research Articles

Wu, X.Gao, Y. & Li L. (2023). A narrative inquiry into the relationship between English teachers’ identities, beliefs and agency: Insights from an overseas training programme.Foreign Languages and Their Teaching.332(5): 99-112++149.

Ni, H.,Wu, X.(2023). Research or teaching? That is the problem: A narrative inquiry into a Chinese college English teacher's cognitive development in the teaching-research nexus.Frontiers in psychology,14, 1018122.

Wu, X.(2023).A longitudinal study of EFL teacher agency and sustainable identity development: A positioning theory perspective.Sustainability.15(1), 48.

Wu, X.(2022).Tears and cheers: A narrative inquiry of a doctoral student’s resilience in study abroad.Frontiers in Psychology.13, 1071674.

Wu, X., Yang, H.(2022).Unpacking the functions of personal metadiscourse in teachers’ classroom discourse.Sustainability.14(20), 13502.

Wu, X., Yang, H.(2022).A comparative analysis of EAP teachers’ interactive metadiscourse across the British and Chinese contexts.Frontiers in Psychology.13, 879713.

Yang, H.,Wu, X.(2022).Language learning motivation and its role in learner complaint production.Sustainability.14(17): 10770.

Wu, X. (2020). A study on international publicity translation and cultural soft power enhancement under the new media environment: A case study of the English portal website translation of Dezhou Government.Journal of Dezhou University.36(5): 104-108.

Wu, X.(2013). New perspectives on cultural transmission: Evaluation on John Paul’s meme map.Journal of Gannan Normal University.34(2): 78-80.

Wu, X.(2012).Comparison on the ecological awareness in the American and Japanese versions of film “Hachiko.Journal ofHubei Institute of Science and Technology.32(12): 175-177.

Wu, X. (2011). Application of figure-ground theory to translation in single clauses.Theory and Practice in Language Studies.1(11):1655-1658.

Wu, X.(2011). Memetic study on the teaching strategy of business English correspondence.Journal of Dezhou University.27(5): 94-98.

Wu, X.(2010).A Case study on the problems in college business English correspondence teaching and its solutions.Journal ofDongjing Literature.189(9): 152.

Wu, X.& Hua, D. (2010). A study on the lexical features of business English and its teaching strategies.Journal ofDongjing Literature.187(7): 125.

Book Reviews

Wu, X.(2021). Language for teaching purposes: Bilingual classroom discourse and the non-native speaker language teacher.Journal of Language, Identity & Education.

Wu, X.(2021). Classroom culture in China: Collective individualism learning model.Language and Education.

Wu, X.(2021).Gender approaches in the translation classroom: Training the doers.Gender and Language.

Wu, X., Ni, H. (2021).Review of the Cambridge handbook of discourse studies.Journal of Pragmatics.

Wu, X.(2021).Researching second language acquisition in the study abroad learning environment.System. 100, 1-2.

Wu, X.(2021).Student Engagement in the Language Classroom.Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 52, 1-2.

Wu, X.(2021).Research methods for classroom discourse.Discourse Studies.23(3), 422-424.

Wu, X.(2019). Reflective language teaching: Practical applications for TESOL teachers.System.87, 1-2.

Wu, X.(2019). Theorising pedagogical interaction: Insights from conversation analysis.Applied Linguistics,40(1), 201–204.

Wu, X.(2019). Native & non‐native English-speaking teachers in China.TESOL Quarterly, 53: 276-278.

Wu, X.(2019). Applied conversation analysis: Social interaction in institutional settings.Discourse Studies,21(3), 364-366.

Wu, X.(2018). Classroom writing assessment and feedback in L2 school contexts.System,76, 243-244.https://doi:10.1016/j.system.2018.06.015

Wu, X.(2018). Mindful L2 teacher education: a sociocultural perspective on cultivating teachers’ professional development.Language and Education, 32(1), 88-91.

Wu, X.(2017). Classroom discourse analysis: A tool for critical reflection.Discourse Studies,19(4), 485-486.


Wu, X.(2023).InCui, J. (Ed.).Cross-cultural communication and etiquette. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press.

Wu, X.(2011). InLiu, B. (Ed.).International business negotiation.Beijing: China Renmin University Press.

Wu, X.(2011).InLiu, B. (Ed.).Business English reading. Changchun: Dongbei Normal University Press.


2023 The 10th National Conference on Foreign Language Teacher Education and Development, Shanghai Normal University.

2023 The 10th International Conference on English Teaching in China, Sichuan University.

2023 The 5th National Classroom Second Language Acquisition Research Forum, Hanzhou Electronic Science and Technology University.

2021 The 9th National Conference on Foreign Language Teacher Education and Development, Central China Normal University.

2021 The 7th National Graduate English Teaching Development and Discipline Construction Forum, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology.

2020 The 2nd National Classroom Second Language Acquisition Forum, 18新利体育备用网址

2019 British Association of Applied Linguistics Language teaching & learning SIG (BAAL LT&L SIG), University of Bath.

2018 Postgraduate Forum for Postgraduates in Language and Linguistics (PFPLL), Edinburgh University.

2018Postgraduate Forum for Postgraduates in Language and Linguistics, University of Aberdeen.

2017Postgraduate Forum for Postgraduates in Language and Linguistics, Edinburgh University.

2017 Postgraduate Forum for Postgraduates in Language and Linguistics, University of Aberdeen.

2016 Annual conference of the British Association of Applied Linguistics, Cambridge.

2016 British Association of Applied Linguistics Language teaching & learning SIG (BAAL LT&L SIG), University of Lancaster.

Scholarly Exchanges

2024-2025 University of Aberdeen, UK

Past Schools

2008-2020 School of Foreign Language, Dezhou University (2015-2019 PhD study)

Awards and Grants

2023-2026 A study on the relationship between belief and practice of curriculum ideology and politics of college foreign language teachers, Project Member, supported by National Social Science Foundation.

2022-2024 Children’s world in the Qin and Han dynasties, Principal Investigator, supported by National Social Science Foundation.

2022-2024A study on professional development of college English teachers from the perspective of educational ecology, Principal Investigator, supported by Jiangsu Province Association of Higher Education

2022-2024 Postgraduate online course “Postgraduate Comprehensive English” construction project, Principal Investigator, supported by 18新利体育备用网址

2021-2022 Study on the influence of overseas study experience on the professional development of university teachers, Principal Investigator, supported by Chinese Association of Higher Education

2021-2022 Construction of academic English writing curriculum resources for non-English major graduate students under the new liberal arts background, Principal Investigator, supported by Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education.

2021-2023A study on professional development paths of college English teachers in the context of new liberal arts, Principal Investigator, supported by 18新利体育备用网址

2020-2022 A comparative study of Chinese and foreign English teachers’ classroom meta-discourse based on self-built corpora, Principal Investigator, supported by Shandong Province Philosophy and Social Science Planning Research Centre.

2013-2015 Translation of Publicity Material and Soft Power Enhancement in New Media Era, Principal Investigator, supported by Dezhou University.

2011-2013 The Study of Memetics and Business English Practice Modules in Business English Majors, 2ndPrincipal Investigator, supported by National Basic Education Experimental Center.

2010-2012The Study of Memetics andBusiness English Application Modules in English Majors, Principal Investigator, supported by Dezhou University.
