
11月12日学术报告-Where is the future of anti-cancer targeted therapies & 基因研究对未来医学的影响 (2010-11-09)
10月22日学术报告:robing the Sequence and Protein-Binding Activity of Glucan by Negative-Ion Electrospray Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Oligosaccharide Microarray (2010-10-21)
9月8日学术报告-Result-oriented development of enzymes for food and pharmaceutical (2010-09-06)
7月2日学术报告- Metabolic Acid Transport in Epithelia and Proteomics (2010-06-30)
6月18日学术报告-New Treatment Technologies For Emerging Micropollutants (2010-06-12)

6月13日学术报告-生物多样性及保护 (2010-06-09)
6月2日学术报告-Constructing the Carbon-Neutral Carbohydrate Economy for Sustainability (2010-06-01)
5月21日学术报告-Application of Next Generation Sequencing to Cancer Epigenomics (2010-05-19)
4月2日学术报告-行动改变命运 (2010-03-31)
3月31日学术报告-Beyond genes: Lipid helps membrane protein fold into proper shape (2010-03-29)

3月17日学术报告-New antibiotics that target outer membrane lipids of Gram-negative bacteria (2010-03-11)
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